3 min readOct 13, 2022


The illusive goal
The ultimate objective
Legislated by man
Implemented by state
The pursuit of liberty
Of self determination
It is what everyone seeks
It is why the hijabs are being ripped off
And the religion abandoned
It is why importance is given to the unimportant
And deep foundations are set on sand
The quest to be free

At the heart of freedom is choice
To choose to do or to chose to abstain
To choose to work or adventure
Where to go, what to do, when to do it
Without choice, freedom does not exist
When I look to my colleagues, to myself
Are we free?
Have we attained liberty?
Sure, we had a choice to come into work today
We chose to be here instead of the vast plains of this expansive world
We chose this, isn’t this freedom?
Aren’t we free?

If I ask them if they have freedom, perhaps they will say yes
Perhaps they really do think they are free
But if they did not work
If they did not sacrifice this time from their lives
The natural forces of life would catch up
Bills, expenses, food, housing
And the list goes on
Life is a transaction
An exchange of something for something
These transactions are necessary, we must do it in one way or the other
Yes perhaps we have a choice in how we conduct this transaction
But the transaction exists nonetheless
Isn't that a repression of freedom?

If asked about homosexuality, they will say it’s choice
But if asked about consensual incest, that choice recedes
Society has placed a cage on our choices
We are not free to exercises all of our wants
I cannot steal to my heart’s content
There, my choice is impeded
I don’t have absolute freedom

Ok, I admit it, I don't have freedom
There's many things I'm bound by
And so is everyone else
How pitiful is the one who thinks they are free
But really they are enslaved
We are all enslaved
To natural laws, societal norms and moral compasses
Our hands are shackled and mouths gagged
Just because we can choose the colour of our handcuffs doesn't mean we are free
Cattle that graze in an enclosed farm are not free
No one would say that
So why do humans think they are?

We can be slaves willingly or unwillingly
If a transaction is necessary, we can partake in the best of transactions
The transaction with Allah
We give Him our wealth and ourselves
And He gives us blissful immortality
All the things we chased in this lowly abode, plus more
If, one way or the other, we are enslaved
Why not be a slave to The Eternal, The First and The Last
I am opposed to freedom, and I will fight anyone who claims it
I am an advocate of slavery, and I believe it should be brought back
I will bound and ship every single human I find
And deliver them to my Master, the King of Kings, Owner of the Day of Judgement
To rescue them from this mirage of freedom that they have
Where they are being chained and dragged into the fire

The glamourous illusion
The oppressive slavery
That deceives man to think he is free
The ultimate demise
The castle that will fall
Become a slave
And make your god Allah, not yourselves


You might call my writing rambling, you might call it art. I just see it as an honest translation of my thoughts into words