Trust in God’s Plan

A short poem expressing my gratitude

2 min readNov 21, 2021


One thing that kills me is uncertainty
I was born with too much curiosity

I want everything to fall in place
And know my final position in this race

There was a time where I would only worry
And I would want everything in a hurry
When that didn’t happen, I would feel desolate
It was a pain so intense and intimate

Only when I stopped and reflected
Did I realise how God had perfected
This intricate story that is my life
I was being nurtured, the signs were rife

How He guided me to change my direction
To make Him — The All-Mighty — my dedication
How He replaced my bad friends with the beneficial
And helped me leave the superficial

Remember how despite my rebellious spirit
Even though I would transgress the limit

He still allowed me to ace my HSC
And write what would be an epic story

How wonderfully He has placed things for a reason
Every single person and season

Is not there by chance, but something much more
The wisdom for everything is there to explore

Remember the worries I had about landing an internship
But from His wonderful and precise mentorship

I landed the most ideal placement
And then my dream role at NSW Government

Remember how I had to strive for the things I wanted
I made my own ijtihaad and never relented
I put behind me all the negative voices
And in the end, they were some of my best choices

And now I’m blessed with the most beautiful gift
When I see her, my spirits lift
Despite all her imperfections, she is perfect for me
She brings a buoyancy I had not known and intense glee

I was certain yet the path to her was so uncertain

So many obstacles could’ve prevented this to ever happen

But due to Allah alone, things managed to work out
And now she is the only thing I think about

This whole experience increases my yaqeen
I don’t worry about what could have been
Because what I have now is so wonderful
And the future we will create seems beautiful

All praise is due to Allah alone
As a humble slave who’s sins are my own
I turn to Al-Wahab the giver of treasures
I cannot thank Him enough for all my pleasures




You might call my writing rambling, you might call it art. I just see it as an honest translation of my thoughts into words